Domain price tool

Copy and paste the Property ID or URL, for example:

  • 2015664505

Unfortunately, domain only allow for 500 requests per 24h for free accounts Also each price check counts as a request, so checking one house can use up to 30 requests.

If the limit for the account pre-filled below is reached, you'll have to create your own account. It takes about 1 minute to do so.

  • Go to and sign up
  • Click "Projects" in the menu at the top
  • Click "CREATE PROJECT" and enter "price check" or anything really in Project name and save
  • Click "Credentials" on the left, and click "CREATE OAUTH CLIENT"
  • From the dropdown, select "Client Credentials" and save. Your client ID should now be displayed at the top.
  • At the bottom of the page under "OAuth Client Secrets", enter "price check" or anything really and hit "ADD". There's your secret key.
  • In the menu on the left, click "API Access" and "ADD API". Under "Agents & Listings", click on "Add to project" for the free calls.

Done! You can now use your very own client ID and secret key.

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